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Domenii publicaţii > Biologie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în volumul unei conferinţe
Autori: Burda S.G., Padure Ioana Marcela, Tomescu C.V
Editorial: XXXVI Annual Meeting of European society for new methods in agricultural research (ESNA), XXXVI, p.80, 2006.
The paper presents the morphological, anatomical, bio-ecological and chorogical data regarding Sorbus intermedia (Ehrh.) Pers. (Rosaceae) in Romania. The Swedish white beam is a compact and rounded tree with dark green leaves. The leaves are elliptic, toothed, and lobed near the bases, with corymbs of white flowers bloom in late spring followed by red berries. Morpho-anatomical characteristics of the vegetative organs have been analyzed, regarding the main structural features of Sorbus and its ecotypes. Partial aspects about bio-ecology (tolerant of pollution) and distribution of this species in Romania are presented for the first time. The original morpho-anatomical photos and a chorological data map of S. intermedia are shown.
Cuvinte cheie: Rosaceae, Sorbus intermedia, morfo-anatomie, bio-ecologie, corologie, Romania. // Rosaceae, Sorbus intermedia, morpho-anatomy, bio-ecology, chorology, Romania.