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Domenii publicaţii > Biologie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Padure Ioana Marcela
Editorial: Proceedings of IV Balkanic Botanical Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria, 20-26 June, 2006.
Morpho-anatomical studies of four Nepeta species from Romania are reported in this study. The investigated taxa feature useful taxonomic characters that can be used to establish interspecific relationships among Nepeta species. The morpho-anatomical characters of stem and leaves are proposed for taxonomical purposes. To assess more accurately the above relationships, fruits and pollen were further investigated using SEM techniques. The characters referred to are discussed in relation of their taxonomic significance between species.
Cuvinte cheie: anatomie, caractere, frunze, morfologie, Nepeta, tetraachene, polen, tulpina, taxonomie // anatomy, characters, leaves, morphology, Nepeta, nutlets, pollen, stem, taxonomy