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Autori: Tercero Espinoza, L.A., Neamtu M., Frimmel F. H.
Editorial: Water Research, 41, p.4479-4487, 2007.
The photoinitiated degradation of bisphenol A (BPA, 520 mmol=L) was investigated using a solar simulator in the absence/presence of NO3 , Fe(III), and HCO3 . The concentrations of
NO3 , Fe(III), and HCO3 were 0-160, 0-10, and 02820 mmol=L, respectively, and were chosen to simulate a natural aquatic environment. The experimental region was explored using a
Box-Behnken design for three factors, extended to experimentally include all eight possible combinations of presence/absence of the factors studied. The results show that, after 7 h of
irradiation, photolysis occurs only to a minimal degree (2%) in the absence of NO3 and HCO3 . Increasing the concentration of NO3 and HCO3 gives rise to up to 24% degradation after 7 h of irradiation. The concentration of Fe(III) was found to play no active role under the conditions studied. A simple linear model is given that very well describes the results obtained.
Cuvinte cheie: Bisphenol A, phodegradation