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Domenii publicaţii > Biologie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Nedelceva A.M., Dogan Y., Obratov-Petrovic D., Padure Ioana Marcela
Editorial: Kitaibelia, ISSN 1219-9672 , 13(1), p.181, 2008.
The study focuses on the most common plant-based handicrafts in several Balkan countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Turkey), richness and diversity of plants used like raw, folk botanical knowledge, as well as to give impression about their contemporary and development in study area, in relation to natural plant resources and national traditions. The study was conducted during 2006-2007 period and the gathered data are largely from literature, analyzing the findings in the existing ethnographic collections as well as field collected data and interviewed informants by non-structured interviews. A high plan species diversity of around 120 taxa of vascular plants in study area is established, belonging to 46 families and 78 genera, including several taxa from fungi (as Fomes fomentarius). The predominant number of species is from Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Rosaceae, Betulaceae, Fabaceae, Tiliaceae, Pinaceae, Linaceae, Cannabaceae, Urticaceae. The percentages different groups are: trees (40%), shrubs (25%), and herbs (31%). These are very common and widespread in the study area. Manufacturing of various wood articles, knitting mats and rugs, basketry, straw knitting, rope making articles related to ritual uses are common and comprise most ancient handicrafts. All plants or their vegetative parts (leaves, roots or young shoots and twigs, fruits and seeds) are used according to their flexibility, firmness, as well a stableness to wearing out, hardness and the strength of the wood, hard burning properties, etc. A good folk knowledge about species determination, plant morphology phenology, and ecology is needed to make plant based articles. The state of plant-based handicrafts in the study area today their cultural, economical and social significance the necessity of special protection as well as preservation of old and unique techniques and manual are discussed.
Cuvinte cheie: plant-based handicrafts, Balkan countries, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Rosaceae, Betulaceae, Fabaceae, Tiliaceae, Pinaceae, Linaceae, Cannabaceae, Urticaceae