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Autori: Cristian Ciocan
Editorial: M. Neamţu and B. Tătaru-Cazaban, Zeta Books, Memory, Humanity, and Meaning. Selected Essays in Honor of Andrei Plesu’s Sixtieth Anniversary, p.393-407, 2009.
Being triggered by one of Martin Heidegger’s remarks in his earlier works, this paper explores the multiple semantic lines of the philosophical concept of life. In the first part, I set out to analyse this notion in the early Greek philosophical tradition, specifically in the works of Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus. In the second part, I focus on the biblical tradition, with specific reference to the notion of “life” in the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. Finally, I emphasize the close connections between the philosophical and the religious traditions, within the frame of the Christian Neo-Platonism. If the notion of life proves to be simultaneously a fundamental ontological concept and a fundamental theological concept, my conclusion suggests that the concept of life can enter the debate concerning the onto-theological constitution of the European metaphysics.
Cuvinte cheie: the concept of life, Plato, Aristotle, Ancient Testament, New Testament, Greek and Christian Neoplatonism