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premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Domenii publicaţii: Biologie | Chimie | Economie | Fizica | Interes general | Matematica | Ştiinţe informatice | Stiinte ingineresti | Ştiinţe medicale | Ştiinţe politice | Ştiinţe sociale | Stiinte umaniste | Ştiinţele pământului şi planetare

Tipuri publicaţii: Articol în revistã ştiinţificã | Articol în volumul unei conferinţe | Capitol de carte | Carte | Teze şi Dizertaţii | Tezã de doctorat (nepublicatã) | Tezã de masterat (nepublicatã)

Petrisor AI Orientation of communication routes and balanced regional development. Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, p.32-45, 2010.

Petrisor AI Higher education post-Bologna: required changes, instruments and ethical aspects. Acta Didactica Napocensia, p.39-45, 2011.

Manole S, Tache A, Petrisor AI, Parvu E Geographical Information Systems Assessment of Development Disparities Among Romanian Regions of Development. Romanian Review of Regional Studies, p.3-16, 2012.

Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ Are the predatory publishers collapsing or re-inventing themselves?. Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal, p.71-79, 2017.

Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ Predatory Publishers using Spamming Strategies for Call for Papers and Review Requests: A Case Study. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, p.199-207, 2018.

Tache Antonio Valentin, Sandu Irina Crina Anca, Popescu Oana-Cătălina, Petrişor Alexandru-Ionuţ UAV solutions for the protection and management of cultural heritage. Case study: the Halmyris archaeological site. International Journal of Conservation Science, p.795-804, 2018.

Fantazi Imane, Hecham Bernia Zehioua, Petrisor Alexandru-Ionut The impact of the absence of the communication on the success of the rehabilitation projects of the built heritage: The case of the old city of Constantine. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, p.225-239, 2019.

Csaba Balogh The Problem with Isaiah’s So-Called ‘Refrain Poem’: A New Look at the Compositional History of Isaiah 9.7–20. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, p.363-390, 2018.

Hamma, Walid; Petrisor, Alexandru-Ionut Assessing the restoration of Sidi El Benna mosque in Tlemcen (Algeria). International Journal of Conservation Science, p.589-598, 2017.

L. Radvan Mănăstiri și orașe în țările române: evoluții în secolele XIV-XVII. Historia Urbana, p.85-116, 2014.

Valentin Sandulescu “Taming the Body”: Preliminary Considerations Regarding the Legionary Work Camps System (1933 – 1937). Historical Yearbook, p.85 – 94, 2008.

Valentin Sandulescu “Taming the Spirit”: Notes on the Shaping of the Legionary “New Man”. , p.207 – 216, 2010.

Valentin Sandulescu Note privind extremismul de dreapta în România Mare: clarificări doctrinare și practici politice. Studii și materiale de istorie contemporană, p.184 – 193, 2013.

Valentin Sandulescu Generation, Regeneration and Discourses of Identity in the Intellectual Foundations of Romanian Fascism: the case of the AXA Group. , p.210-229, 2014.

Csaba Balogh Reconsidering Habakkuk 1:8. Propheten der Epochen / Prophets during the Epochs: Festschrift für István Karasszon zum 60. Geburtstag / Studies in Hounour of István Karasszon for his 60th Birthday, p.113-125, 2015.

Csaba Balogh Inverted Fates and Inverted Texts. Rationales of Reinterpretation in the Compositional History of the Isaianic Prophecies, with Special Emphasis on Isaiah 10,16–19 and Its Context. Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, p.64-82, 2016.

Petrişor AI Evolving strategies of the predatory journals. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, p.1-17, 2016.

Lilia Gribincea Dreptul comertului international. Tratat. Tipografia Reclama, Chisinau, 2014. 2014.

Alin Suciu The Sahidic Version of Jacob of Serugh’s Memrā on the Ascension of Christ. Le Muséon, p.49-83, 2015.

Pr. Viorel R. Barbu, Diana Iuliana Barbu Ecouri occidentale in arta religioasa romaneasca din secolul al XIX-lea. 2014.

Anca Dan Mythic Geography, Barbarian Identity: the Pygmies in Thrace. Ancient Civilisations from Scythia to Siberia, p.39-66, 2014.

Diana Barbu Eastern Mysticism and Western Scholastics in Glass Painting Iconography. 2015.

Diana Barbu Hinterglas und Kupferstich – Hinterglasgemälde und ihre Vorlagen 1550-1850. Studii si cercetari de istoria artei, 2014.

Viorel Robert Barbu O ctitorie transilvaneana, doi ctitori olteni. 2014.


Viorel Robert Barbu, Loredana Sarb, Stefania Nachiu, Elena Rusu, Diana Iuliana Barbu, Ligia Ana Solomon Date noi despre iconostasul Bisericii Sfanta Ecaterina din Bucuresti. Doxologia, Iasi, 2014.

Viorel Robert Barbu Dogmatic unity and concern in the creation and preserving of Romanian cultural orthodox patrimony. Revista Teologica, 2014.

Ana-Maria Stan Academic ceremonies and celebrations at the Romanian University of Cluj 1919-2009. University Jubilees and University History Writing. A challenging relationship, p.94-128, 2014.

Viorel Barbu, Diana Barbu Arta religioasã în perioada interbelicã. 2014.

Pr. Viorel Barbu, Gabriela Ştefãniţã, Diana Barbu, Ligia Ana Solomon Forme de manifestare a spiritualitãţii ortodoxe în secolul XVIII. Conservarea si Restaurarea Patrimoniului Cultural ISSN 2286-1459, ISSN-L 2286-1459, 2014.

Alexandru Ştefãniţã, Gabriela Ştefãniţã, pr. Viorel R. Barbu, Diana Barbu Elemente laice în pictura religioasã de secol XIX. Conservarea si Restaurarea Patrimoniului Cultural, 2014.

pr.Viorel Barbu, Loredana Sârb, Elena Rusu, Ştefania Nachiu, Diana Barbu, Ana Ligia Solomon Date noi despre iconostasul Bisericii Sfânta Ecaterina din Bucureşti. Conservarea si Restaurarea Patrimoniului Cultural, 2014.

Nicoleta Presura Calina Stefan Petica. La 110 ani dupa. Volum omagial. , p.248, 2014.

Csaba Balogh Historicising Interpolations in the Isaiah-Memoir. Vetus Testamentum, p.519-538, 2014.

Corneliu C. Simut F. C. Baur’s Synthesis of Böhme and Hegel. Redefining Christian Theology as a Gnostic Philosophy of Religion. , p.368, 2015.

Corneliu C. Simut God and Man in History. The Influence of Jakob Böhme and G. W. F. Hegel on Ferdinand Christian Baur’s Philosophical Understanding of Religion as Gnosis. 2013.

Corneliu C. Simut Secularization in Contemporary Religious Radicalism. An Introduction. 2013.

Corneliu C. Simut Understanding Death beyond Religion in the Thought of John Shelby Spong. Expository Times, p.375-382, 2014.

Corneliu C. Simut The Logos between Psychology, Ontology, and Divinity. Fundamental Aspects of the Concept of Logos in the Early Thought of Slavoj Žižek. HTS Theologiese Studies/Theological Studies, p.1-12, 2014.

Corneliu C. Simut The Theology of Creation in Vito Mancuso’s Radical Theology. Acta Theologica, p.138-155, 2011.

Corneliu C. Simut Understanding Death in the 21st Century. Vito Mancuso and His Re-Assessment of the Christian Teaching on Death from the Perspective of Man’s Historical Experience. Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, p.69-83, 2011.

Macarie Felicia Cornelia, Moldovan Octavian Overcoming the Glass Ceiling in Romanian Public Institutions: A Pilot Study Regarding the Strategies Adopted by Female Managers. 6-th International Management Conference " Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society", Cluj-Napoca, p.126-135, 2013.

Macarie Felicia Cornelia, Moldovan Octavian Gender Discrimination in Management. Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, p.153-172, 2012.

Macarie Felicia Cornelia, Moldovan Octavian Are Universities Role Models for Communities? A Gender Perspective. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, p.81 - 97, 2012.

Macarie Felicia Cornelia, Mora Cristina, Hintea Calin Emilian Gender and Leadership. The Impact on Organizational Culture of Public Institutions. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, p.146-156, 2011.

Macarie Felicia Cornelia, Sandor Dan, Creta Simona Gender Equality in Romanian Local Public Institutions. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, p.217-228, 2011.

Macarie Felicia Cornelia, Creta Simona, Tuta Ioana Alexandra Gender impact on public administrations culture. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences , p.64-76, 2008.

Macarie Felicia Cornelia Managerial leadership-a theoretical approach. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences , p.43-62, 2007.

Macarie Felicia Cornelia Management of public institution facing the europeization process. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, p.67-76, 2005.

Macarie Felicia Cornelia Management financiar în industria cãrţii. 2000.