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Editorial: AUI GEOLOGIE, 2010.
In the present paper, 10 samples have been analyzed and the resulting palynological assemblages have been interpreted in order to determine the palaeoclimatic conditions during the sedimentation of the studied deposits. In the RBN 4 borehole, we have identified taxa such as the following: Pityosporites labdacus, Pityosporites alatus, Pityosporites insignis, Pinuspollenites miocaenicus, Abiespollenites sp., Myricipites bituitus, Tricolpopollenites liblarensis, Tricolporopollenites henrici, Carpinipites carpinoides, Engelhardtioides microcoryphaeus, Leiotriletes sp. a.o. The method used for palaeoclimatic estimations is the Coexistence Approach described by Mosbrugger et Utescher (1997) and frequently used throughout the past decade for the reconstruction of the European tertiary palaeoclimate.
Cuvinte cheie: Moldavian Platform, palynomorphs, Sarmatian, palaeoclimate