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Autori: R.I.vanStaden, J.F.vanStaden, H.Y. Aboul-Enein, I.Balcu, M.Mirica, G.L.Radu
Editorial: Taylor&Francis, Analytical Letters, 43, p.1-7, 2010.
An immunosensors/sequential injection analysis system is proposed for the assay of thyroid hormones free L-T4 and free L-T3 in blood samples. The working concentration ranges for free L-T4 and free L-T3, are between 2.0 and 720.0 pmol/L and between 2.0 and
340.0 pmol/L, respectively, with detection limits of 1.0 and 1.7 pmol/L, respectively. The sel- 20
ectivity of the immunosensors, as well as the recovery tests done for free L-T4 and free L-T3(99.900.01% (n¼10) and 99.940.02% (n¼10)), made the immunosensors/sequential injection analysis system suitable for the direct assay of thyroid hormones in blood samples.
Cuvinte cheie: L-T3 liber, L-T4 liber, imunosenzor, Analiza secventiala, Serum // Free L-T3; Free L-T4; Immunosensor; Sequential injection analysis; Serum