Articolele autorului Gabriel-Lucian RADU
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Cel de al XI-lea Forum Eurachem-Romania

Invitatie Va invitam sa participati la cel de al XI-lea Forum anual Eurachem-Romania care va avea loc vineri 21 septembrie in cadrul Conferintei Internationale de Chimie Analitica ROICAC 2012, organizata cu sprijinul Universitatii VALAHIA din Targoviste, in Centrul International de Conferinte din str. Mr.Ion Alexandrescu nr.39. Programul manifestarii este urmatorul: 8.00 - 9.00 Registration Red Hall: The XIth Forum Eurachem-Romania - Part I (English)

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Al X-lea Forum Anual Eurachem-Romania

2011 Anul Internaţional al Chimiei INVITATIE Avem placerea sa va invitam la cel de-al X-lea Forum anual al Asociatiei Eurachem-Romania in contextul dezvoltarii preocuparilor pentru asigurarea calitatii masurarilor si analizelor chimice. Asociatia profesionala nonprofit Eurachem-Romania a fost infiintata in anul 2000 si este afiliata la asociatia similara EURACHEM si membra RENAR si are in vedere promovarea unor principii mutual acceptabile la nivel

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Cel de al IX-lea Forum Anual al Societatii Eurachem-Romania

NVITATIE Va adresam calduroasa invitatie de a participata la cel de al IX-lea Forum anual al Asociatiei Eurachem-Romania in contextul dezvoltarii preocuparilor pentru asigurarea calitatii masurarilor si analizelor chimice si pentru circulatia libera a produselor si serviciilor pe piata unica europeana. Asociatia profesionala nonprofit Eurachem-Romania a fost infiintata in anul 2000 si este afiliata la asociatia similara EURACHEM si membra RENAR si

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An immunosensors/sequential injection analysis system is proposed for the assay of thyroid hormones free L-T4 and free L-T3 in blood samples. The working concentration ranges for free L-T4 and free L-T3, are between 2.0 and 720.0 pmol/L and between 2.0 and 340.0 pmol/L, respectively, with detection limits of 1.0 and 1.7 pmol/L, respectively. The sel- 20 ectivity of the immunosensors, as well as the recovery tests done for free L-T4 and free L-T3(99.900.01%

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Carbon and diamond paste microelectrodes based on Mn(III) porphyrins

Three Mn(III) porphyrins were used for the design of carbon paste and diamond paste based microelectrodes, which were employed for the determination of dopamine in pharmaceutical and biological samples using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The limits of detection lie between 1.6×10−13 and 2.0×10−6 mol L−1 while the sensitivities were between 230 pAmol L−1 and 3.24Amol L−1. Dopamine was recovered reliable from pharmaceutical and

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A laccase-based biosensor was developed by specific enzyme adsorption on screen-printed working electrodes of DROPSENS cells, and stabilized with Nafion 0.1% membrane.The electrode was characterized with respect to response time, sensitivity, linear range, detection limit, pH dependence, interferences, and long-term stability. The tested substrates were catechol, rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and gallic acid. The optimized biosensor

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Optimization of acetylcholinesterase immobilization on microelectrodes based on nitrophenyl diazonium for sensitive organophosphate insecticides detection

The immobilization of acetylcholinesterase on platinummicroelectrodes modified with p-nitrobenzenediazonium is optimized. In the first step, a layer of p-nitrophenyl groups was deposited on the surface and then reduced to paminophenyl groups. Finally, the enzyme was linked to the amino groups on the surface using glutaraldehyde. Each step of the electrode modification was characterized by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

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A Novel HPLC-PDA-MS Method for S-Adenosylmethionine and SAdenosylhomocysteine

S-adenosylmethionine and S-adenosylhomocysteine are essential compounds in metabolic pathways; therefore, the development of a suitable method to routinely quantify these compounds is very important. In this paper, a simple and fast method (10 minutes) for simultaneous SAM and SAH quantification in plasma and blood samples is proposed based on the HPLC-PDA-MS technique. A new solid phase extraction procedure for blood samples is reported. The developed

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Laccase–MWCNT–chitosan biosensor—A new tool for total polyphenolic content

Laccase from Trametes versicolor, an enzyme with broad substrate specificity for the phenolic substrates was employed as a biorecognition element in order to develop a biosensor for total content evaluation of phenolic secondary metabolites from two “in vitro” cultivated plants: Salvia officinalis and Mentha piperita. Theenzymeimmobilizationwascarried out by entrapment into the nanocompositefilmduring electrodeposition process from multiwall

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Protease Inhibition and Antioxidant Actions

Garlic and onion ( Allium sp.) have attracted particular attention of modern medicine because of its widespread health use around the world, and the cherished belief that it helps in maintaining good health warding off illnesses and providing more vigor. To date, many favorable experimental and clinical effects of garlic and onion preparations have been reported. These biological responses have been largely attributed to (i) reduction of risk factors

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