Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
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Autori: Cornel Ban
Editorial: International Migration, early view, 2009.
Taking the case of migratory flows between Romania and Italy as a case
study, this article investigates the ways in which spaces of economic transnationalism
emerge and are reproduced over time. While the article finds
that the role of the state in regulating the flow of money, people and goods
across borders remains significant, it nevertheless provides evidence that
state authority is systematically challenged by private actors even in the
case of migration phenomena with a remarkably short history such as that
of Romanians in Italy. Particularly interesting in this respect are labor
recruiting networks in which informal headhunter operations, public officials
and mobile manufacturing firms interact in surprising ways. While
economic forms of transnationalism are the main focus of this investigation,
the ways in which transnational capital and labor flows facilitated the
symbolic reaffirmation of social institutions in the sending locality are also
Cuvinte cheie: migratie, romani, Italia, transnationalism // migration, Romanians, Italy, transnationalism