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Domenii publicaţii > Economie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Bernhard Swoboda, Nicolae Al. Pop, Dan Cristian Dabija
Editorial: Amfiteatrul Economic, XII, Nr. 28, p.634-649, 2010.
While vertical firms dominate the fashion markets worldwide since years, only little
research is done on vertical alliances between non-vertical retailer and manufacturing
companies in this sector. These paper analyses vertical alliances from the perspective of 98
traditional fashion retailers and 104 fashion manufacturers. Based on a process oriented
value chain approach, the results show how primary market and supply chain oriented value
chain activities are viewed in the context of alliances, particularly in terms of own
competence, perceived potential for co-operation, and the level of co-operation achieved.
The data show that retailers and manufacturers see co-operation potentials in value chain
activities with both low and high levels of own competence. Secondly the data show that
co-operation potentials identified by both partners and the co-operation levels achieved
differ. Third the data show the relation between the co-operation levels achieved in the
value chain activities and the degree of success in turnover, costs, and time-to- market
Cuvinte cheie: industria modei, lant valoric, aliante pe verticala, cooperare // fashion retail, value chain, vertical alliances, co-operation