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Banciu, Mihai and F. Odegaard Optimal product bundling with dependent valuations: The price of independence. European Journal of Operational Research, p.481-495, 2016.
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Alina Badulescu, Daniel Badulescu, Dorin Bâc, Sebastian Șipos-Gug Attitudes and Intentions of Business Master Students towards Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship. Amfiteatru Economic, 2014.
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Tiberiu Brãilean, Aurelian-Petruș Plopeanu, Alina Haller Economic Policies. 2014.
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Aurelian-Petrus Plopeanu, Peter Foldvari, Bas Van Leeuwen, Jan Luiten van Zanden WHERE DO IDEAS COME FROM? THE RELATION BETWEEN BOOK PRODUCTION AND PATENTS FROM THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION TO THE PRESENT. European Journal of Science and Theology, p.131-147, 2014.
Eugenio Cerutti, Galina Hale, and Camelia Minoiu Financial Crises and the Composition of Cross-Border Lending. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2014.
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Dabija Dan-Cristian, Postelnicu Catalin, Pop Nicolae Alexandru Methodology for Assesing the Degree of Internationalization of Business Academic Study Programmes. Amfiteatru Economic, p.726-745, 2014.
Daniela Nedelescu-Ionescu, Ovidiu Rujan Why do Logistics and Transport matter for development. The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences, 2014.
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Dobre Iuliana, Paicu Claudia Elena Labour force and agricultural sector from the perspective of sustainable economic development. Conferinţa internaţionalã Economie Financiarã şi Monetarã – EFM 2013 Academia Romanã, Centrul de Cercetãri Financiare și Monetare – Victor Slãvescu , p.394-399, 2013.
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Irina Rotaru, Daniele Fanzini, Giorgio Casoni Cultural Heritage and Tourism as Experienced through Mantua’s Cultural Districts. In proceeding of: "Touristic territories: touristic imagery and the construction of contemporary landscape" conference, Girona, 01/2014, p.47-58, 2014.
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