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Autori: Csaba Balogh
Editorial: Biblica, 89, p.477-504 , 2008.
In contrast to most opinions concerning Isa 33 this pericope is far too complex to be explained as one coherent literary unit. Isa 33 has a short anti-Assyrian woe-cry at its bases (vv. 1+4), which once closed the woe-cries of Isa 28–32. Vv. 1+4 were supplemented first (around 598 or 587) by a communal lament, vv. 2-3+5+7-12, bringing the idea of the punishment of Judah and the temporised destruction of the enemy in vv. 1+4 further. Second, (shortly after 539) vv. 1-5.7-12 were expanded by a salvation prophecy, vv. 6+13-24, concerning the returnees, the restoration of Jerusalem and the monarchy.
Cuvinte cheie: Isaia 33, formarea literaturii profetice, criticã literarã, redactarea cãrților biblice // Isaiah 33, composition of prophetic literature, literary criticism, redaction criticism