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Autori: Adrian Covãsnianu, Mihai Cazacu, Alexis Merlaud, Joelle Bechara, Victor-Daniel Cãrbunaru, Daniel-Eduard Constantin
Editorial: Editor in Chief - Prof. dr. Liviu Apostol, Universitatea ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi, România, PRESENT ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, 2, p.100-109, 2008.
The chemistry flight as0729 performed on the 16th of July 2007, between
14h20 and 16h20 local time was dedicated to pollution tracking above the Moldavia
province in Romania. We wanted to explore two urban agglomerations: Iasi
(47´09N; 27´37E) and Roman (46´55N; 26´54E) distant about 50 km from one
another in straight line. Industrial zones are implanted in these areas. We went to
explore the vertical distribution of the pollutants above these two areas. Moreover, a
European road passes by the north of the two cities. We also went to track traffic
emissions. Trace gas species measured during the flight were NOx, O3 and CO. Our
goal is to establish the lower troposphere distribution of these pollutants in the area,
in order to evaluate the photochemical production of ozone in an urban/industrial
plume. The aim of our experimental strategy is to cover a horizontal and vertical
dimension of the region.
Cuvinte cheie: noxe, emisii de monoxid de carbon,distributia in troposfera joasa, profil/exploarare verticala, ATR-42, profil // traffic emissions, CO emission, lower troposphere distribution, vertical exploration, ATR-42, sounding