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Domenii publicaţii > Economie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în volumul unei conferinţe
Autori: Andrei, CL; Oancea, B; Stancu, S; et al.
Editorial: Elsevier, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, p.3422-3426, 2010.
The study aims to present a series of results related to the medical research in Romania, taking into account the data obtained by the application of a statistical survey to the medical staff with higher education in Bucharest. Based on the data series resulting from the application of this questionnaire we obtained information related to the medical staff opinion on issues regarding the following: the organization of research at the universities, the quality of the documentation sources available to medical personnel that work in the medical research, the quality of the national and international academic, the endowment of medical research laboratories with equipment to enable support of the medical research, the quality of the databases that support the development of quantitative medical studies.
Cuvinte cheie: Medical research, statistical survey, quantitative medical studies,healthcare system reform, aggregate variables