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Autori: Iordache Virgil, Lacatusu Radu, Daniel Scradeanu, Marilena Onete, Stelian Ion, Ioana Cobzaru, Aurora Neagoe, Florian Bodescu, Denisa Jianu, Dorina Purice
Editorial: Kothe E., Varma A., Springer, Biogeointeractions in contaminated soils, p.385-416, 2012.
We performed a rational reconstruction of the relationship between biogeochemistry and the study of ecological productive systems. A structural and a functional possibility for building biogeochemical integrated models with optimal complexity have been identified. The conceptual framework was then applied to metals in contaminated areas. Metal mobility results from the interaction (coupling) of environmental entities at a multitude of scales. We classified for the managerial interest the processes involved in metal mobility by their range of scales in “site” specific and “region” specific, and then detailed the processes involving theoretical entities specific to soil science, hydrology and ecophysiology. In the end we pointed out some consequences of the coupling between processes of different scales for the risk assessment of contaminated sites.
Cuvinte cheie: Darwin, ecosystem, scale, biogeochemistry, metals, integrated modeling, mining area, and risk assessment // Darwin, ecosystem, scale, biogeochemistry, metals, integrated modeling, mining area, and risk assessment