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Domenii publicaţii > Ştiinţe medicale + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Rusu MC, Mirancea N, Mănoiu VS, Vâlcu M, Nicolescu MI, Păduraru D.
Editorial: Ann Anat, DOI:10.1016/j.aanat.2011.11.007, 2011.
A distinctive stromal cell-type, the telocyte (TC), has recently been described to send specific long prolongations (telopodes) alternating thin segments (podomers) with dilations (podoms). Even though one would expect TCs to be identified in various stromal tissues, there were not yet reported evidence of skin TCs. We aimed to check for the presence of TCs in human skin dermis. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence in dermis of TCs projecting specific telopodes. Skin TCs were closely related to or contacting fibroblasts, mast cells, adipocytes, and connective fiber bundles (collagenous and elastic). As it appears, skin TCs exist and are related to other stromal cells. The structural association of TCs to elastic fibers deserves further investigation.
Cuvinte cheie: Dermis; Mast cell; TEM; Fibroblast; Adipocyte; Elastic fibers.