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Autori: Bãdescu V, Gueymard C, Cheval S, Oprea C, Baciu M, Dumitrescu A, Iacobescu F, Miloş I, Rada C.
Editorial: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, p.1636-1656, 2012.
Fifty-four broad band models for computation of global and diffuse irradiance on horizontal surface are shortly presented and tested. The input data for these models consist of surface meteorological data, atmospheric column integrated data and data derived from satellite measurements. The testing procedure is performed for two meteorological stations in Romania (South-Eastern Europe). The testing procedure consists of forty-two stages intended to provide information about the sensitivity of the models to various sets of input data. There is no model to be ranked „the best” for all sets of input data. Very simple models as well as more complex models may belong to the category of „good models”. The best models for solar global radiation computation are, on equal-footing, ESRA3, Ineichen, METSTAT and REST2 (version 81). The second best models are, on equal-footing, Bird, CEM and Paulescu & Schlett. The best models for solar diffuse radiation computation are, on equal-footing, ASHRAE2005 and King. The second best model is MAC model. The best models for computation of both global and diffuse radiation are, on equal-footing, ASHRAE 1972, Biga, Ineichen and REST2 (version 81). The second best is Paulescu & Schlett model.
Cuvinte cheie: solar radiation, renewable energy, atmospheric modelling, global and diffuse irradiance