Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Domenii publicaţii > Economie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Herciu Mihaela, Ogrean Claudia
Editorial: Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 14(4), p.163-177, 2011.
Interdependencies – in time and in space – between (the most) different phenomena and processes, as well as entities (at global – national – local/regional – firm level) – characterize all the domains and levels of the society and humankind. The main idea and the general purpose of the paper is to measure and to compare in terms of a unique, definitive and comprehensive index – diachronically and synchronically – a country’s (national global) performance (the National Global Performance Index), especially and particularly for Romania, in order to position it properly among the other countries, on one hand, and to analyze dynamically its determinants, on the other hand.
Cuvinte cheie: index of economic freedom; global competitiveness index; country risk classification; knowledge economy index; human development index; national global performance index; discriminative analyzing technique