Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Domenii publicaţii > Economie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Romulus-Catalin Damaceanu
Editorial: Economia XXI, 1, p.36-39, 2010.
Traditional export-import operations include the following steps: (1) the conclusion of the international trade contract between the exporter and importer; (2) sending the goods to the importer by the exporter; (3) payment by the importer to export goods. Alongside these traditional operations, foreign trade operations are conducted through stock of goods and values, export and import tenders, the modern counterpart, licensing of patents, consulting – engineering, know-how, leasing, franchising, and international economic cooperation.
Cuvinte cheie: operationjs of foreign trade, international economic cooperation