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Autori: Brânzilă M., Chirilă G., Jitaru M.
Editorial: Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 7, p.45-59, 2011.
The southern part of the Moldavian Platform has developed under complex conditions, partially similar with the northern part, in a marine environment corresponding to the last stage of evolution of the Eastern Carpathians foreland basin with an obvious tectonic control. In Stăniţa-Vlădnicele borehole were identified microfauna taxa such as: Cycloforina karreri, Elphidium macellum, E. minutum, E. punctatum, E. crispum, E. aculeatum, E. reginum reginum, E. reginum caucasica, Articulina problema, A. glabra, A. sarmatica, and Porosononion subgranosus. This fauna confirms the presence of the Sarmatian, starting with Buglovian, Volhynian and including most of Bessarabian. The identified palynomorphs are represented by: Pityosporites labdacus, Pityosporites alatus, Pityosporites insignis, Pinuspollenites miocaenicus, Abiespollenites sp., Myricipites bituitus, Tricolpopollenites liblarensis, Tricolporopollenites henrici, Carpinipites carpinoides, Engelhardtioides microcoryphaeus, Leiotriletes sp. a.o. We used the “Coexistence approach” for paleoclimatic estimations; the values thus obtained are: MAT 16.5–17.2 °C, MAP 1300–1355 mm/yr, WMMT 23.6–28.5 °C, CMMT 9.6–12.5 °C.
Cuvinte cheie: Sarmatian Moldavian Platform, backbulge, foraminifers, palynomorphs