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Autori: Anely Nedelcheva, Yunus Dogan, Dragica Obratov-Petkovic, Ioana M. Padure
Editorial: Human Ecology, Volume 39, Issue 6, p.813-828, 2011.
Traditional handicrafts based on plant materials are components of folk culture throughout the world. Also known as craftworks, or simply crafts, these products are designed for articular purposes, and are hand-made or manufactured with the help of simple tools and often incorporate aesthetic
or ornamental properties. Many of these items have notable cultural and/or religious significance. Most traditional handicrafts are connected with major household or community activities, such as food preparation,
or are components of apparel, furniture, or houses. The plants employed in making these handicrafts are usually local and well known, and have historically served as major resources contributing to people’s comfort and living standards. Some recent studies have focused on
the contemporary economic importance of plant-based handicrafts.
Cuvinte cheie: plante, mestesuguri traditionale, etnobotanica, Europa, Romania // plant, traditional handicrafts, ethnobotany, Europa, Romania