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Autori: Neagoe Aurora, Virgil Iordache, and Erika Kothe
Editorial: Goltapeh, Ebrahim Mohammadi; Danesh, Younes Rezaee; Varma, Ajit , Springer, Fungi as Bioremediators, p.285-312, 2013.
In this chapter, we introduce a concept relating the biogeochemical role of microorganisms explicitly to cross-scale effects in the frame of an approach we termed objective scale integrated biogeochemistry. By objective, we mean that the scale of analyses is that of the environmental objects involved in the cycling and is not assumed a priori based on human (institutional) interests. By integrated, we refer to the consideration of multielement fluxes (of nutrients and toxic elements) through the biotic and abiotic compartments controlling productivity of the system. After a critical analysis of the knowledge on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) relevant for estimating their biogeochemical role in the mobility of metals, we propose a methodology for characterizing this role and underline the practical limitations linked to current state of knowledge concerning AMF. These limitations are due to basic issues such as estimating the dimension of a physiological individual, the size in space of a population of AMF, and the species diversity of AMF in the hyphal compartment. We then focus on an example of myco-/phytoremediation using selected plants and commercial inocula. A multi-scale (pot, lysimeter, field plot) experimental approach for studying the biogeochemical role of AMF in metal mobility was developed, tackling scale-specific issues. The main findings of the operational research program are summarized.
Cuvinte cheie: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, biogeochemistry, metals, scale // arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, biogeochemistry, metals, scale