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Autori: Pompei Bolfa, Raluca Vidrighinescu, Andrei Petruta, Dan Dezmirean, Laura Stan, Laurian Vlase, Grigore Damian, Cornel Catoi, Adriana Filip, Simona Clichici
Editorial: Elsevier, Food and Chemical Toxicology,, 2013.
We aimed at investigating the antioxidant, antiinflamatory, antiapoptotic and antigenotoxic effects of a Romanian Propolis (RP) extract in two concentrations (RP1 3 mg, respectively RP2 1.5mg polyphenols/cm2), topically administered, either prior to or after UVB exposure, in a Swiss
mouse model. Our results showed that both concentrations of RP extract, independent of the time of
administration, significantly attenuated the malondialdehyde (MDA) formation and restored glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity. However, the 8-hydroxy-2-deoxy-guanosine (8-oxo-dG), nitric oxide (NO) and glutathione (GSH) levels were not influenced by UVB exposure and RP
treatment. Interleukin (IL)-6 levels were significantly decreased by RP treatment, both before and
after UVB-exposure. RP2 extract, in both regimens, significantly reduced the epidermal hyperplasia
and dermal inflammation, whereas RP1 pre-treatment diminished only the dermal inflammation. The effect of our RP extract in terms of reduction of sunburn cell formation and of activated
caspase-3 and TUNEL-positive cells was observed in both subsets of the experiment, RP2 having a slightly better protective effect as compared to RP1. The antigenotoxic effect of RP was
demonstrated by significantly reduced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) formation. Our results suggest that RP extract might be a potential chemopreventive candidate by modulation of multiple UVB-induced signalling pathways in skin.
Cuvinte cheie: Romanian propolis, ultraviolet radiation, inflammation, apoptosis, genotoxic lesions