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Autori: Frãsineanu Ecaterina Sarah
Editorial: Conferinţa Internaţionalã Exerciţiul fizic - mijloc complex si modern de promovare a sãnãtãţii, Revista Medicina Sportivã, 2011.
In a modern and postmodern conception of the educational process, teaching-learning means search, understand and interpret of its own, and the student has an active role, the educational desire being the demonstration of certain skills, attitudes, competencies. At the same time, curricula contents are diverse and synthetic, therefore instructive-educative strategies are educational dominantly, applicable both, independently and in groups. To achieve the ideal of education – to develop full, harmonious, autonomous and creative personality – educational activity is diversified against components of individuality, resulting finalities, contents and different methodologies. Learning contents can be analyzed in terms of: relevance, organizing, internal consistency with other contents of that discipline and external coherency with other contents from other disciplines.
Transdisciplinarity is closely linked to the main existing challenges or changes in the contemporary world: accelerating the pace of producing more change, the dynamism of economic life, the mobility of professionals, unprecedented progress of science and technology, knowledge perishability, population explosion, increasing leisure time, the crisis of models and relational life, increasing democratization of social life.
In this study we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various ways of organizing learning contents – monodisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity, – to argue that transdisciplinarity is a viable way to training. We believe therefore that qualitative grading takes into account key and crossed skills at the level of educated people, measured by various methods and instruments. These approaches require best practices that require in their turn a creative approach from the teacher and pupils or students.
Cuvinte cheie: transdisciplinarity, learning contents, quality grading