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Autori: Liviu Giosan, Angelina M. Freeman
Editorial: John W. Day, G. Paul Kemp, Angelina M. Freeman, David P. Muth, Springer, Perspectives on the Restoration of the Mississippi Delta, p.29-32, 2014.
River deltas have been a preferred human habitat due to their high productivity, rich biodiversity, and easy transport along abundant waterways. It has been argued that deltas fostered the development of civilizations. However, deltas are fragile geomorphic features that can change dramatically with modest modifications in environmental conditions. Intensive human development, population growth, and recent global changes are transforming deltas into one of the most endangered coasts. Future preservation of deltas will become increasingly difficult and require developing complex management strategies based on a profound understanding of delta dynamics and history.
Cuvinte cheie: river diversion, sediment budget, sediment retention, delta cycle, land building // river diversion, sediment budget, sediment retention, delta cycle, land building