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Autori: Csaba Balogh
Editorial: Elõd Hodossy-Takács, Leo J. Koffeman, Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Wichtige Wendepunkte. Verändernde und sich ändernde Traditionen in Zeiten des Umbruchs // Pivotal Turns. Transforming Traditions in Times of Transition, p.27-44, 2014.
This article addresses the question why and how earlier prophecies of judgment against Judah, in which the foreign nations appear as agents of YHWH’s punishment, came to be reinterpreted and placed in the context of prophecies proclaiming God’s judgment on those foreign nations. It is argued here that the well-known literary complexities and logical shifts of the book of Habakkuk should not be explained by a long redactional history. Rather they need to be seen in relation with the very nature of this book as a theological reflection attesting to this process of reinterpretation.
Cuvinte cheie: Habacuc, profeți, literatura profeticã, criticã redacționalã, justiție socialã // Habakkuk, prophets, prophetic literature, redaction criticism, social justice