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Domenii publicaţii > Economie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Tiberiu Brãilean, Calance Mãdãlina, Chiper Sorina, Plopeanu Aurelian-Petruș
Editorial: European Journal of Science and Theology, 8(4), p.107-117, 2012.
This article is a brief and tentative overview of the economic history of the Jewish people. The story starts with Cain and continues with Abraham, Melchizedek, David, and Solomon, the prophets, Talmud and cabalist rabbis, up to our times. We attempt to capture the main economic tenets of the Jewish people, the provenience, explanations and their effects, in particular their special relationship with money, land, work, richness, property and life in their own state, in exile, and later in diaspora. We present the principles that have helped the Jews maintain their identity despite the vicissitudes of history, their wonderful system of solidarity, demographic data over the past three decades, their innovations in terms of currency, economy and society, as well as their role in contemporary society. Throughout centuries, the focus on material issues has become stronger while spiritual requirements have weakened, and the Jews have been fully contributing to a new world order, in a globalised and mercantile context. Yet their entire history makes us believe that they could also act as the vectors of a necessary renewal, focused on essentially human values.
Cuvinte cheie: Jews, religion, money, wealth, economy