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Autori: Vrapciu AD, Rusu MC, Voinea LM, Corbu CG.
Editorial: Med Hypotheses, 83(4), p.497-500, 2014.
The in vivo identity of stem cells is not yet clear. Numerous studies involve the perivascular niches as providers of stem cells during regenerative processes. CD146, in humans, as well as gicerin, at chicken, play roles in neuronal development and neurites extension. CD146 is a marker of stemness but also a pericytary marker. Stem cells in vascular niches can differentiate in neural cells. By applying CD146 and CD105 antibodies on human retinas from glaucomatous eyes, CD146-positive retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) were found, some being placed in perivascular positions; ongoing processes of neurites extension were related to these neurons. On other hand, RGCs were positively labeled by CD105 antibodies. These results support the hypothesis that in glaucoma eyes the CD146-positive RGCs result from regenerative processes driven by stem cells in the retinal perivascular niches. Further experiments are needed to evaluate whether CR146-positive neurons indicate also a physiological process of maintenance of retina.
Cuvinte cheie: retina, pericytes, mesenchymal stem cells, stem cell niche, neuroregeneration