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Editorial: Casa Cartii de Stiinta, Geographia Napocensis, 6, p.2, 2012.
Flood risk assessment in Timis River basin – the Caransebes -Lugoj sector- using GIS
technique. Over time freshets, thus floods constituted and constitute a particularly important issue that
requires attention. In many cases, flood damages are extensive to the environment, to the economy and also
socially. The purpose of this paper is to identify flood-prone areas between Caransebes and Lugoj, land that
is part of the Timis river basin. This paper is based on a theoretical model in which we considered the
building elements of the flood produced on the Timis river in April 2005 (levels and flows). to represent the
zones flood – prone, we used the numerical model of the terrain, created for the abovementioned area. On
this model , according to levels measured at hydrometric stations, were defined those flood prone areas. The
Timis river hydrographic basin includes a varied terrain (mountains, hills and plains), with pronounced
differences in altitude and massiveness, resulting from tectonic movements that have affected the region, this
fact has affected water flow processes, both directly through fragmentation and slope, and indirectly, by
creating the vertical climate, vegetation and soils zones. Using GIS technology to study hydrological
phenomena and their impact on the geographic area are of particular importance due to the complexity of
these techniques, which enables detailed analysis and analytical precision as well as an increased speed of
the analysis. Creating theoretical models that give scale to the hydrological phenomena, in this case
representing the flood areas, is of great practical importance because based on these models the areas can
be defined and viewed, having the possibility of taking measures to prevent environmental effects on the
natural and / or anthropogenic environment. In the studied area review of the flood of 2005, were
represented flood areas, therefore, according with the researches, several villages, located in Timis valley or
in the low lands, where the landscape decreases in altitude, were partially affected, also transport
infrastructure (roads and railways) was covered by water in some areas, resulting in the isolation of
villages; agricultural land located near or within the localities were flooded, situation that had negative
consequences on their productivity. The data presented in this study support the importance and opportunity
of using GIS techniques in the evaluation of the hydrological risk assessment, techniques through which
tackling the problems that address the geographic area is of a global importance, thus giving clear
indications to prevent and protect against destructive phenomena.
Cuvinte cheie: GIS, inundatii, risc // GIS, flood, risk