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Autori: Sirbu A., Paslaru V.
Editorial: Weegels P. et al, AACC International, St. Paul, MN, USA , Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation , p.145-149, 2008.
In this work, relationships between exogenous phospholipases (PLA) acting solely on the endogenous phospholipid fraction of dough were analyzed. Their influence was determined by chromatography methods, as well as rheological and technological ones. The biochemical and physical modifications in bread dough were studied by using different exogenous PLA in variable doses, without other phospholipids (PL) added.
Cuvinte cheie: fosfolipaze, paine,RP-HPLC, reologia aluatului // phospholipases, bread, RP-HPLC, dough rheology