Articolele autorului Aurelian Udristioiu
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Role of P53 gene in oncogenenesis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Event Abstract Back to Event Role of P53 gene in oncogenenesis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia AURELIAN UDRISTIOIU1* 1 Emergency County Hospital Targu Jiu, Clinical Laboratory, Romania Objective of this study is to present the latest researches in the field of molecular medicine, in terms of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, emerged from the P53 gene mutations in human lymphoma genome. Previous results: In the literature it was registered, in previous

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ANEMIA BY VITAMIN B12 AND LATENT IRON DEFICIENCY -A case of Laboratory- Aurelian Udristioiu¹, Radu G. Iliescu, ² Manole Cojoraru³ ¹Department of Hematology, Emergency County Hospital Târgu Jiu, Clinical Laboratory, Gorj, Romania, ²Department of Researches, Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn, New York, ³Titu Maiorescu University, Medicine Faculty, Physiology, Bucharest, E-mail:

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Metode pentru prevenirea Sindromului Metabolic

Metode pentru prevenirea Sindromului Metaboli Aurelian Udristioiu¹, Manole Cojocaru²   ¹Laborator Clinic, Departamentul of Hematologie, Spitalul Judetean de UrgentaTargu Jiu & UTM, Facultatea de Medicina, Bucuresti, E-mail: ² Departamentul de Fiziologie, UTM, Facultatea de Medicina, Bucuresti,; E-mail: Autor Corespondent, Aurelian Udristioiu Abstract Sindromul Metabolic (SM),  cuprinde  factori

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Apoptoza si autoimunitatea in neoplasmele hematologice

Apoptoza si autoimunitatea in neoplasmele hematologice Aurelian Udristioiu¹Manole Cojocaru² ¹Departamentul Hematologie si Coagulare, Laborator Clinic, Spitalul Judetean de Urgenta Targu Jiu & Facultatea de Medicina, Universitarea Titu Maoirescu, Bucuresti, ²Departamentul de Fiziologie, Facultatea de Medicina, , Universitarea Titu Maoirescu, Bucuresti, Abstract   Introducere Consortiul International,

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Molecular mechanisms of bone reconstruction in new dental implant technology
Rapid Diagnosis by Multiplex PCR Technology at Patients with Acute Respiratory Infections

PCR offer a number of potential advantages, results are available in a matter of hours rather than days, the extreme sensibility facilitates detection of even minutes the amounts of pathogen DNA in clinical samples and the test is not significantly affected by prior administration of antibiotics. Aim: The aim of this work was to rapidly identify the antibiotic resistance the monitoring of pathogen growth at the patients admitted in Hospitalization

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Variability of Biological Parameters in Blood Samples between Two Consecutive Schedules of Hemodyalsis

. Book title: Renal Diseases / Book 2 (ISBN 979-953-307-704-7). Chapter title: Variability of Biological Parameters in Blood Samples between Two Consecutive Schedules of Hemodyalsis Authors: Aurelian Udristioiu, Manole Cojocaru, Victor Dumitrascu, Daliborca Cristina Vlad, Alexandra Dana Maria Panait and Radu Iliescu, Publishing Group 2011. Volume 2, Issue 4 (JULY 2011)

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Hematological and Metabolical Aspects of Laboratory Medicine

SPECIAL REPORT In old times, after more than two decades, opinions literary, cultural and scientific life of our country, were influenced by the east at sunset. Subsequently directions these currents have changed the west to the east. The medical book of author, Dr. Aurelian Udristioiu, from Clinical Laboratory, Department of Hematology, Emergency County Hospital Targu Jiu & UCB University, Romania, "Hematological and Metabolical Aspects of Laboratory

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Hematological and Metabolic Aspects from Laboratory Medicine

- My Book written in Clinical Laboratory Medicine, “ Hematological and Metabolical Aspects from Laboratory Medicine” , confirm the aria of my interest in discovery of carcinogenesis mechanisms, especially in onco-haematology field, Leukemia. Seller

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