Articolele autorului Ioan Manuel Ciumasu
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Ioan Manuel Ciumasu

Partnership for human resources development in Romania and the European Union: methodological training of trainers in the field of environmental education
Triggering sustainable development: challenging local authorities with problem-solving oriented research
Overexploitation of ecosystem resources vs. the costs of storms and flooding risk management
Development of a panel of new rat monoclonal antibodies with different selectivities and sensitivities for 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and other nitroaromatic compounds
A new, versatile single-use field immunosensor for environmental pollutants. Development and proof of principle with TNT, diuron and atrazine
International Conference ESTROM „Environmental Research and Mitigation of Water Pollution in Romania”

3-5 September 2008, Romanian Academy, Bucharest ESTROM is a 30-month Swiss-Romanian research pro­gramme started in 2005. The conference will present the results of the nine ESTROM projects. The official language of the conference will be English. Deadlines and registration fees: 31 May 2008 for early birds: 50 Euro (25 Euro for students) 30 June 2008 for late birds: 75 Euro (45 Euro for students) Further information at:

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