Articolele autorului Ciprian Neagoe
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Colaborare pentru un proiect de cercetare

In atentia studentilor si absolventilor facultatilor de medicina, farmacie, biologie, chimie sau fizica Institutul de Biologie si Patologie Celulara Nicolae Simionescu, str. B.P. Hasdeu nr. 8, sector 5, Bucuresti, cauta colaborator pentru un proiect de cercetare in cadrul temei: Studiul proteinelor integrale ale jonctiunilor stranse dintre celulele endoteliale, responsabil Dr. Ciprian Neagoe. Candidatul care va fi selectat are urmatorul profil: -

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Interaction between PEVK-titin and actin filaments: origin of a viscous force component in cardiac myofibrils
Kettin, a major source of myofibrillar stiffness in Drosophila indirect flight muscle.
Passive stiffness changes in soleus muscles from desmin knockout mice are not due to titin modifications
PEVK domain of titin: an entropic spring with actin-binding properties
Titin-based contribution to shortening velocity of rabbit skeletal myofibrils
Alcohol affects the skeletal muscle proteins, titin and nebulin in male and female rats.
Damped elastic recoil of the titin spring in myofibrils of human myocardium.
Passive stiffness changes caused by upregulation of compliant titin isoforms in human dilated cardiomyopathy hearts
Transfection of type I receptor for immunoglobulin G in bovine aortic endothelial cells