Articolele autorului Alexandru Dan Corlan
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Centenarul societatii „Gazeta Matematica”

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5% din PIB pentru cercetare in 2030 in UE

UE intentioneaza sa creasca finantarea pentru cercetare/dezvoltare la 5% din GDP si pe cea pentru invatamantul superior la 3.3% fata de 1.1% actualmente, in paralel cu intentii similare in SUA.

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Legatura complexa intre cercetare si economie

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Prima prioritate economica a UE: investitia in cercetare dezvoltare

... a doua: revitalizarizarea strategiei Lisabona (de investitie in R&D).

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Cauza crizei: insuficienta cercetare fundamentala Pentru a nu intra in criza, economia de piata are nevoie de un flux continuu de industrii noi care la randul lor au nevoie de un flux continuu de rezultate de cercetare fundamentala.

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Kinetic laws, phase-phase expansions, renormalization group, and INR calibration.

We introduce systematic approaches to chemical kinetics based on the use of phase-phase (log-log) representations of the rate equations. For slow processes, we obtain a corrected form of the mass-action law, where the concentrations are replaced by kinetic activities. For fast reactions, delay expressions are derived. The phase-phase expansion is, in general, applicable to kinetic and transport processes. A mechanism is introduced for the occurrence

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Interviu cu Dan Burghelea

Interviu cu un renumit matematician roman stabilit in Statele Unite despre istoria recenta a cercetarii in romania si despre viitorul matematicii.;3306020

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Declaratie privind libertatea academica

(versiunea in limba romana)

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Incremental parameter evaluation from incomplete data with application to the population pharmacology of anticoagulants

We develop a method for parameter evaluation from incomplete data. Improved estimates of the desired parameters are evaluated step by step, from experiment to experiment by using both Bayesian and informational methods. We make dynamical, improved predictions while the experiments are still going on and keep and interpret information about local fluctuations, which is lost on applying global techniques. The input of information in small packets leads

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On anti-portfolio effects in science and technology with application to reaction kinetics, chemical synthesis, and molecular biology

The portfolio effect is the increase of the stability of a system to random fluctuations with the increase of the number of random state variables due to spreading the risk among these variables; many examples exist in various areas of science and technology. We report the existence of an opposite effect, the decrease of stability to random fluctuations due to an increase of the number of random state variables. For successive industrial or biochemical

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