Articolele autorului Eugen Ghita
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Two Cases of Divorce in the Town of Arad in the Eighteenth Century

The two documents, which are the subject of the present study, made to share property in the event of divorce, help to form an image on various aspects of daily life, poorly known from other sources: household size, land property, earnings in marriage furniture, tools, animals, prices, food, secular and religious involvement of the private life etc. In addition to legal information, both inventories, which stood at the base of documents on which

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Realitãţi demografice în oraşul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea

The study aims to carry out an analysis from demographic perspective for the city of Arad during the years 1767-1768. It is based on two documents that contain mainly statistical data with which it is possible to emphasize aspects related to some demographical behaviour in Arad. Information about the deceased, newborns and marriages registered, about the share of different ethnicities and confessions help us to outline the image of Arad, in which,

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Population, Ethnicity and Confession in the County of Arad in the Eighteenth Century and Early Nineteenth Century

At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Arad County contained only 25 localities in the north of Mureş River, and in the middle of the century, the administrative unit was extended by incorporating two districts of Zarand County, which would then be abolished. We made calculations on population from Arad County in its extended administrative form, but also including in these calculations the Serbian militaries' families, who, at least until

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Aspecte privind organizarea administrativ-teritorialã şi instituţionalã a comitatului Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea

The article offers a brief overview of the administrative-territorial organization and reorganization in the former county of Arad. Old medieval boundaries have known significant changes after the installation of Habsburg rule. Political, social and military reasons determined the imperial authorities to make several reorganizations of the area. Institutions were designed to ensure proper functioning of the county, but also contributed to the upgrade

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Douã cazuri de divorţ în oraşul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea

Two cases of divorce in the town of Arad in the eighteenth century The two documents which are the subject of the present study, made to share property in the event of divorce, help to form an image on various aspects of daily life, poorly known from other sources: household size, land property, earnings in marriage furniture, tools, animals, prices, food, secular and religious involvement of the private life etc. In addition to legal information,

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Efectele inundaţiilor din 1771 în oraşul Arad

The consequences of the 1771 floods in the city of Arad Among "the bad years" of the 18th century that affected the city of Arad, 14 of it were because of the floods, the most severe overflows taking place on July 1771. The devastations were considerable and due especially to the fact that the city wasn't protected and the bad weather lasted full days, the waters retracting only after about 7-8 days. The authorities were interested in stocktaking

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Sârbii – imigranţi şi emigranţi în comitatul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea

Serbs - immigrants and emigrants in Arad county in eighteenth century After the peace of Karlovitz, the Mureş River became the official border between the two great empires: the Habsburg and the Ottoman Empire. In this context was organized the military border Tisa-Mureş, and the first called to defend the region were the Serbs, recognized for their military skills. The authorities created the first militarized localities in the county of Arad

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Habitatul rural în comitatul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea

The Rural Habitat in Arad County during the Eighteenth Century The present study aims to investigate in terms of quantitative and qualitative perspectives the rural habitat in the county of Arad during the eighteenth century. The dynamics of settlements, their evolution over the century, changes occurred in the types of environments were conducted in conjunction with the policy of the new imperial authorities and in accordance with the populationist

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Aspecte juridice privind relaţiile matrimoniale în oraşul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea

Legal Aspects of Marital Relations in the City of Arad in the Eighteenth Century This study proposed, first, to carry out, based on archive documents, an incursion as regards matrimonial relationships of XVIIIth century with all legal, economic and social connotations involved. The marriage contracts studied fall into a typology more closely of what was happening in the same period in Western Europe than in South Eastern Europe. This is because such

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Populaţie şi habitat pe domeniul cetãţii ªiria la începutul secolului al XVI -lea

Population and Habitat on the Feudal Domain ªiria at the Beginning of the XVIth Century The study "Population and habitat on the feudal domain ªiria at the beginning of the XVIth century" is based on a statistical document developed in 1525. We have many and very important information on the people's one of the largest feudal domain in Transylvania in the middle Ages. The 8152 inhabitants, where nearly 90% for them is represented by serfs, live

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