Articolele autorului Florentin Remus Mogonea
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The Specificity of Developing Metacognition at Children with Learning Difficulties

In this study, we intend to analyse the issue concerning the specificity of the development of the children with learning difficulties. The objectives aimed to identify the methods and instruments for developing the metacognitive skills at children with learning difficulties, to stimulate the mental operations of these children and to involve the non-cognitive factors in learning activities, to involve self-reflection, as a premise for the development

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Practical and applied aspects regarding the development of the self-evaluation ability of students – future teachers

This study deals with the problem of self-evaluation seen from the perspective of shaping the self-evaluation skill to the students – future teachers. Accomplishing a correct, objective and real self-evaluation is an essential condition in the process of training and professional development, in order to shape the didactic style and the teaching competence. We have initiated and developed an action – research, aiming to form the self-evaluation

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The role of psysical education in developing a harmonius personality. Ascertained study.

The concept of integral education, which should ensure the individual a complete harmonious development under all the sides and dimensions of his personality, is not very recent, having its origins in the Greek Antiquity. Having got a more distinctive form in the conception of the French teacher Rene Hubert, this concept proves to be updated nowadays. The promotion of an integral education represents a necessity of the present learning system, being

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