Articolele autorului Gabriel Gruionu
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Societatea Internationala a Bioinginerilor Romani

Dragi bioingineri romani, Ma numesc Gabriel Gruionu. Sunt postdoc in Biomedical Engineering la Univ of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona Vreau sa anunt prin acest mesaj initiativa mea si a unor colegi din domeniu de a infiinta Societatea Internationala a Bioinginerilor Romani. Aceasta societate va fi diferita de alte organizatii romanesti. Va fi organizata ca un international chapter al societatii americane de Biomedical

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GRUIONU, G., Hoying J. B., Gruionu, L. G., Laughlin, M. Harold, and Secomb, T. W. Structural adaptation increases predicted perfusion capacity following vessel obstruction in the arteriolar arcade network of pig skeletal muscle

Arteriolar arcades provide alternate pathways for blood flow after obstruction of arteries or arterioles, as in stroke and coronary and peripheral vascular disease. When obstruction is prolonged, remaining vessels adjust their diameters chronically in response to altered hemodynamic and metabolic conditions. Here, the effectiveness of arcades in maintaining perfusion both immediately following obstruction and after structural adaptation was examined.

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Structural remodeling of the mouse gracilis artery following chronic alteration in blood supply

The goals of this study were to determine the time course and spatial dependence of structural diameter changes in the mouse gracilis artery following a redistribution of blood flow, and to compare the observations with predictions of computational models for structural adaptation. Diameters were measured 1, 2, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 56 days following resection of one of the two blood supplies to the artery. Overall average diameter, normalized with respect

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An anatomical study of the arteries feeding the triceps brachii muscle of swine

The arterial vascular network of the porcine triceps brachii muscle (TBM) (an extensor muscle to the forearm) was studied and compared to another extensor muscle (the soleus muscle) of small rodents. The left axillary arteries (LAA) of nine Yucatan miniature swine were perfused with latex material to reveal the organization of the arterial blood supply to the TBM. Blood is supplied to the TBM by the main branches of the LAA. Some of the branches

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