Articolele autorului Petrisor Zamora Iordache
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The obtaining of nanocomposite slurries with practical aplication in real time biological fixing

The present paper presents the fixing mechanisms of microorganisms on support carrying agents based on Fe3O4 biochemically activated nanoparticles. The processing of biological fixing carrying agents with undifferentiated action is utterly important because it enlarges the type and the number of the fixed biological structures with a view to subsequent separation and identification.The biological fixing carrying agents based on nanoparticles having

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Emulsified Nutritive Fluids and Their Properties Control

A new approach of the foliar nutritive fluids formulation as emulsions and their properties design was grounded on the last illuminations in the mechanism and kinetics of the foliar nutrition. Emulsified organic and inorganic phases are bearing extended multifunctional biological activities - nutrition, growth enhancing and fungi repelling. Selection of the overbasic potassium salts of naphthenic and oleic acids as organic phase carrier entrusted

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