Articolele autorului Liviu Giosan
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Evolution of the plankton paleome in the Black Sea from the Deglacial to Anthropocene

The complex interplay of climate shifts over Eurasia and global sea level changes modulates freshwater and saltwater inputs to the Black Sea. The dynamics of the hydrologic changes from the Late Glacial into the Holocene remain a matter of debate, and information on how these changes affected the ecology of the Black Sea is sparse. Here we used Roche 454 next-generation pyrosequencing of sedimentary 18S rRNA genes to reconstruct the plankton community

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Dynamics and Vulnerability of Delta Systems
River Deltas: Concepts, Models, Case Studies
CNCS isi va da demisia in bloc

CNCS isi va da demisia in bloc pentru a protesta blocajul finantarii cercetarii de catre guvernul Ponta:

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Blogul Ad Astra: Mihai Dima, presedinte CNCS despre finantarea cercetarii

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Blogul Ad Astra a fost lansat pe platforma Adevarul

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Progress in coupling models of coastline and fluvial dynamics

The morphology and depositional history of wave-influenced deltas reflects the interplay between the fluvial and coastal domains. Here we present initial results of the coupling of stand-alone coastal and terrestrial models within the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) Component Modeling Tool (CMT), applied to study the evolution of wave-influenced deltas. The coastal domain is modeled using the Coastline Evolution Model (CEM), which

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Institutiile Inclusive si Reforma Educatiei

România Meşterului Manole. Este România blestemată să eşueze perpetuu? "Un bun exemplu este reforma educaţiei. Orice politician care are talent pentru meserie îţi va spune că educaţia este temelia naţiei şi că trebuie să facem „totul” pentru tinerii noştri. În ultimele luni un prim ministru demonstrat plagiator (în traducere „hoţ academic”) a permis demantelarea aproape completă a paşilor pozitivi din reforma Funeriu. Deşi

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NY Times – Despre plaga plagiatelor

"Many Germans believe the scandals are rooted in their abiding respect, and even lust, for academic accolades, including the use of Prof. before Dr. and occasionally Dr. Dr. for those with two doctoral degrees. Prof. Dr. Volker Rieble, a law professor at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, calls this obsession “title arousal.”"

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New Open Journal with Open Reviews

From Ths Scientist: "PeerJ comes in the midst of an ongoing debate about the foundation of science publishing, and a push by many in the research community to be more open. (See “Whither Science Publishing?” for a full discussion.) The journal has assembled an editorial board of 800 academics along with an advisory board that includes five Nobel laureates. The decision of whether to publish a submitted manuscript is based more on scientific validity

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