Articolele autorului Liviu Giosan
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How Deltas Work: A Brief Look at the Mississippi River Delta in a Global Context

River deltas have been a preferred human habitat due to their high productivity, rich biodiversity, and easy transport along abundant waterways. It has been argued that deltas fostered the development of civilizations. However, deltas are fragile geomorphic features that can change dramatically with modest modifications in environmental conditions. Intensive human development, population growth, and recent global changes are transforming deltas into

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Monsoon-influenced variation in productivity and lithogenic sediment flux since 110 ka in the offshore Mahanadi Basin, northern Bay of Bengal

The Indian monsoon drives seasonal changes in precipitation and weathering across India as well as circulation and productivity in the northern Indian Ocean. Variation in paleo-monsoon intensity and its effect on productivity and lithogenic fluxes is poorly constrained in the Bay of Bengal. In this paper, we present analysis of a sediment record from the offshore Mahanadi Basin recovered during the Indian National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 01

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Anthropocene Metamorphosis of the Indus Delta and Lower Floodplain

The Indus River/Delta system is highly dynamic, reflecting the impacts of monsoonal-driven floods and cyclone-induced storm surges, earthquakes ranging up to Mw = 7.8, and inundations from tsunamis. 19th century Indus discharge was likely larger than today, but upstream seasonal spillways limited the maximum flood discharge. Upstream avulsions during the 2010 flood similarly reduced the downstream discharge, so that only 43% of the floodwaters reached

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Sediment storage and reworking on the shelf and in the Canyon of the Indus River-Fan System since the last glacial maximum

The transport of sediment from the mouth of the Indus River on to the deep-water submarine fan is complicated by temporary storage within large clinoforms on the shelf on either side of the submarine canyon, where most of the sedimentation since the start of the Holocene has occurred. In contrast, shelf edge clinoform deltas represent the products of forced regression and not the progradation of highstand clinoforms as far as the shelf edge. Clinoform

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Fluvial response to climate variations and anthropogenic perturbations for the Ebro River, Spain in the last 4000 years.

Fluvial sediment discharge can vary in response to climate changes and human activities, which in return influences human settlements and ecosystems through coastline progradation and retreat. To understand the mechanisms controlling the variations of fluvial water and sediment discharge for the Ebro drainage basin, Spain, we apply a hydrological model HydroTrend. Comparison of model results with a 47-year observational record (AD 1953–1999) suggests

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Coruptia in universitati si drumul spre reforma

Alina Mungiu-Pippidi in Times Higher Education despre coruptie in universitatile din Romania si drumul spre reforma:

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Wave reworking of abandoned deltas

River deltas and individual delta lobes frequently face reduction of sediment supply, either from the geologic process of river avulsion or, more recently, due to human activities such as river damming. Using a process-based shoreline evolution model, we investigate wave reworking of delta shorelines after fluvial input elimination. Model results suggest littoral sediment transport can result in four characteristic modes of delta abandonment, ranging

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Rectorii lui Funeriu – o analiza

"...legea Funeriu ne-a adus rectori la fel de slabi si poate chiar mai slabi ca inainte!" Citeste mai mult: si aici:

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Scrisoare deschisa catre Academia Romana

Scrisoare deschisă către Academia Română În atenţia Preşedintelui Academiei şi a Prezidiului Academiei Române Domnule Preşedinte, Domnilor Academicieni, Având în vedere iminenta sesiune de primire a unor noi membri titulari, membri corespondenţi şi membri de onoare ai Academiei Române, asociaţia Ad Astra vă supune atenţiei propunerea ca toate persoanele care îşi depun candidatura pentru o astfel de poziţie să-şi facă publice

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INVITED: Maintenance of large deltas through channelization: Nature vs. humans in the Danube delta

Over the last half century, while the total sediment load of the Danube dramatically decreased due to dam construction on tributaries and its main stem, a grand experiment was inadvertently run in the Danube delta: the construction of a dense network of canals, which almost tripled the water discharge toward the interior of the delta plain. We use core-based and chart-based sedimentation rates and patterns to explore the delta transition from the

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