Articolele autorului Liviu Giosan
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Early Anthropogenic Transformation of the Danube-Black Sea System

Over the last century humans have altered the export of fluvial materials leading to significant changes in morphology, chemistry, and biology of the coastal ocean. Here we present sedimentary, paleoenvironmental and paleogenetic evidence to show that the Black Sea, a nearly enclosed marine basin, was affected by land use long before the changes of the Industrial Era. Although watershed hydroclimate was spatially and temporally variable over the

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„Minunata Lume Noua” a publicatiilor stiintifice

Un articol in The Scientist pune punctul pe i:

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Fluvial landscapes of the Harappan civilization

The collapse of the Bronze Age Harappan, one of the earliest urban civilizations, remains an enigma. Urbanism flourished in the western region of the Indo-Gangetic Plain for approximately 600 y, but since approximately 3,900 y ago, the total settled area and settlement sizes declined, many sites were abandoned, and a significant shift in site numbers and density towards the east is recorded. We report morphologic and chronologic evidence indicating

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16000 de persoane au semnat petitia initiata la Timisoara pentru demisia premierului Ponta acuzat de plagiat

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Rectorul Universitatii „Babes-Bolyai”: Consiliul care a decis ca Ponta a plagiat nu avea atributii directe

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Blogul Ad Astra desfiintat

Blogul Ad Astra desfiintat - vezi anunt aici: Pentru postarile viitoare ale lui Liviu Giosan vedeti: si noul blog "per_aspera" :

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De pe blog: Consiliul de Etica demis

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Nou pe blog: O tacla

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Nou pe blog: Aspecte ale reformei Funeriu discutate in Nature

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Un Ministru de Scoala Noua: 1. De la Marga la Funeriu via Hardau

Analiza reformei Funeriu a inceput:

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