Articolele autorului Lucica Tofan
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Morphological changes in acute intoxication with phenol on Mytilus galloprovincialis
Physicochemical and Microbiological Characterisation of Two Biological Wastes of the Romanian Black Sea Coast .
Application of a Participatory Ex Ante Assessment Model for Environmental Governance and Visualizing Sustainable Redevelopment in Gorj County, Romania

This chapter presents an approach for the development of a decision-support process for sustainable development planning. The Indicator Scoring System (ISS) incorporates the ex ante assessment of environmental, infrastructure, economic, and social impacts of proposed projects, and links these assessments with a geospatial model of sustainable development potential. The overall process is designed to encourage public participation, provide unbiased

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A practical and User-Friendly Toxicity Classification System with Microbiotests for Natural waters and Wastewaters

Various types of toxicity classification systems have been elaborated by scientists in different countries, with the aim of attributing a hazard score to polluted environments or toxic wastewaters or of ranking them in accordance with increasing levels of toxicity. All these systems are based on batteries of standard acute toxicity tests (several of them including chronic assays as well) and are therefore dependent on the culturing and maintenance

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