Articolele autorului SORIN OVIDIU BULBOACA
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. Raporturile dintre puterea centralã şi instituţia bãniei din Þara Româneascã şi cea din Transilvania în secolul al XVII-lea

The comparative analysis of the institution of banat in the banat of Lugoj and Caransebes and in Oltenia, points out a multitude of similarities, but also significant differences for the evolution in time of a Romanian institution. The comparative study of the institution of banat in Oltenia and Banat has in view the XVIth-XVIIth centuries, the period of existence of the banat of Lugoj and Caransebes. First, it is important to highlight the resemblances

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Nobilimea româneascã din Banatul Lugojului şi Caransebeşului în secolele XVI-XVII.Studii de caz: familiile Bekes, Iojica, Vaida şi Mãcicaşi

The privileges of Romanian districts, princes and nobles were renewed several times in the XVIth-XVIIth centuries by Queen Isabella in 1551 and by prince Gabriel Bathory in 1609. On the other hand, in the interval 1551-1658, Lugoj and Caransebes were fiscal goods (fact confirmed also by Constitutiile Aprobate ale Transilvaniei in 1653), fact that conferred them a special statute. These privileges were generally respected by the princes of Transylvania

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Bartolomeo Brutti si ofensiva catolica in