Articolele autorului Adrian Pop
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The Independence of Kosovo in the Light of the Regional Security Complex Theory

Regional security complex theory posits that whereas in the early 1990s the Balkans seemed to become a separate regional security complex, in fact it was a case of overlay. Starting with the Kosovo war the Balkans became a sub-complex within the EU-European regional security complex. Taking as a case study the fact that the West's recognition of Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence in February 2008 backfired in the post-Soviet space with

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The Impossible Trinity and the Prospects for an European Fiscal Union

After reviewing some of the recent EU economic governance reform provisions, the paper discusses three main in-built vulnerabilities of the euro area: the absence of co-responsibility for public debt; the strict prohibition of monetary financing; and the vicious circle represented by the fact that states are individually responsible for rescuing banks in their jurisdictions, but banks are exposed to their own governments through their holding of

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Prãbuşirea imperiului sovietic. „Lecţii” în retrospectivã
The 1989 Revolutions in Retrospect

Reminding us of the failure of academia to predict the East European revolutions, and the challenges presented by the latter to the theories of revolution, the essay claims that in order to understand why the exit from communism comprised so many varied modes, one should take a 'path-dependence' diachronic and synchronic comparative perspective. Based on this dual approach and a set of variables, the essay advances a typology of East European revolutions

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Regional Cooperation in South Eastern Europe: From Lessons Learnt to Best Practices
“The Typology and Novelty of Eastern European Revolutions”

The study suggests a fresh look on the Eastern Europe revolutions. Firstly, it argues that Western scholarship failed to recognize the novelty of Eastern European revolutions at the time of their occurring and their aftermath. Secondly, grounded in the “path-dependent” school of thought and privileging a dual long and short term comparative approach, the study introduces a typology of Eastern European revolutions. Thirdly, it argues that the

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Originile si tipologia revolutiilor est-europene

The book addresses the subject of East European revolutions from a dual perspective. Methodologically, it belongs to the path-dependency school and rational reconstruction method, which reconciles the historical and political science approaches. The first section of the book presents the major crisis in the Soviet bloc in the post-Stalinist era: the workers' revolt in the GDR (1953), the de-Stalinization and its effects in the "outer empire" - the

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European Union Initiatives in Tackling Migration and Organized Crime at Its New Eastern Border

The EU migration strategy in relation to its new eastern neighbours

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„Globalization, Regionalization and the EU-Japan-U.S. Triad”

The globalization triggers macro-regionalization, which, in turn, generates micro-regionalization. In virtually all scenarios of geopolitical future the recurrent theme is regionalism. How the relationship among the members of the EU-Japan-U.S. triad will look like in future will depend to a large extent on how it is going to handle the reassertion of countries belonging both to the Western and non-Western worlds. The various possible outcomes entail

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Romania: reforming the security sector

The paper presents Romania's experience in security sector reform.

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