Articolele autorului Raul Cristian Muresan
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Timescales of Multineuronal Activity Patterns Reflect Temporal Structure of Visual Stimuli

The investigation of distributed coding across multiple neurons in the cortex remains to this date a challenge. Our current understanding of collective encoding of information and the relevant timescales is still limited. Most results are restricted to disparate timescales, focused on either very fast, e.g., spike-synchrony, or slow timescales, e.g., firing rate. Here, we investigated systematically multineuronal activity patterns evolving on different

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A color-based visualization technique for multi-electrode spike trains

Multi-electrode recordings of neuronal activity provide an overwhelming amount of data that is often difficult to analyze and interpret. Although various methods exist for treating multi-electrode datasets quantitatively there is a particularly prominent lack of techniques that enable a quick visual exploration of such datasets. Here, by using Kohonen self-organizing maps, we propose a simple technique that allows for the representation of multiple

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EEG under anesthesia – feature extraction with TESPAR

We investigated the problem of automatic depth of anesthesia (DOA) estimation from electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. We employed TESPAR (Time Encoded Signal Processing And Recognition), a time-domain signal processing technique, in combination with multi layer perceptrons to identify DOA levels. The presented system learns to discriminate between five DOA classes assessed by human experts whose judgements were based on EEG mid latency auditory

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The Oscillation Score: An Efficient Method for Estimating Oscillation Strength in Neuronal Activity

We present a method that estimates the strength of neuronal oscillations at the cellular level, relying on autocorrelation histograms computed on spike trains. The method delivers a number, termed oscillation score, that estimates the degree to which a neuron is oscillating in a given frequency band. Moreover, it can also reliably identify the oscillation frequency and strength in the given band, independently of the oscillation in other frequency

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Properties of multivariate data investigated by fractal dimensionality

Elaborated data-mining techniques are widely available today. Nevertheless, many non-linear relations among variables remain undiscovered in multi-dimensional datasets. To address this issue we propose a method based on the concept of fractal dimension that explores the structure of multivariate data and apply the method to simulated data, as well as to local field potentials recorded from cat visual cortex. We find that with changes in the analysis

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Consideraţii asupra atitudinii rectorilor din România în privinţa reformei educaţiei şi cercetării

În data de 28 Ianuarie 2011, Consiliul Naţional al Rectorilor (CNR) s-a reunit la Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iaşi, punctele aflate pe ordinea de zi incluzând, printre altele, noua Lege a Educaţiei Naţionale (LEN) (Legea 1/2011) şi criteriile de ierarhizare a universităţilor. Rezoluţia adoptată de CNR cu ocazia acestei reuniuni (vezi Anexa) lasă să se întrevadă o puternică opoziţie faţă de schimbare şi prezintă argumente

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Ad Astra sustine demersul studentilor romani din diaspora referitor la Rosia Montana

In data de 14 Iulie 2010 asociatiile studentilor romani din diaspora au publicat pozitia proprie fata de proiectul RMGC de exploatare a aurului de la Rosia Montana. In scrisoarea deschisa, publicata la: , aceste asociatii isi exprima ingrijorarea si isi afirma ferm opozitia fata de proiectul Rosia Montana. Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani de pretutindeni sustine aceasta

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Scrisoare deschisă a studenţilor şi cercetătorilor români din străinătate cu privire la Roşia Montană

Noi, studenţii şi cercetătorii români aflaţi la stagii universitare în afara României, ne declarăm profunda îngrijorare în legătură cu criza ecologică şi umanitară aproape iminentă de la Roşia Montană [1]. În această zonă din vestul României, Rosia Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC) - firmă rezultată din partenieratul dintre Gabriel Resources, o companie multinaţională cu sediul în Canada, şi compania românească de stat

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Un român dă peste cap teoria glaciaţiunii

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Campanie Reteta unui cercetator de succes

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