Articolele autorului Remus Gabriel Anghel
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Migrants’ remittances: channelling globalization
La migration internationale : panacée ou entrave au développement local ? Étude du changement social récent dans une ville roumaine de forte émigration

Questions about migration have cropped up in discussions on development in recent years. Although research has shown that remittances from migrants and migrants’ transnationalism are often considered synonymous with development, the findings are not always so optimistic: some sceptics present migration as an impediment to economic growth. From an actor-oriented perspective, the relation between migration and development is shown to be neither positive

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Migration and its Consequences for Romania

Romania registers as a country experiencing significant migration since 1990, with migration generating diversified effects on Romanian society. This article analyzes Romanian migration in the period after 1990, highlighting some of the most noticeable effects that international migration produces. Romanian migration is characterized by a high degree of self-organization, seeing changing causes and patterns of organization in each of the distinct

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Burse Postdoctorale Cluj

Mon, September 20, 2010 5:58:28 PM Burse postdoctorale Cluj ... From: Remus Gabriel Anghel ... View Contact To: Program Postdoctoral in Migratie, Identitate si Cetatenie In cadrul proiectului “Stiintele socio-umaniste in contextul evolutiei globalizate – dezvoltarea si implementarea programului de studii si cercetare postdoctorale” POSDRU 89/1.5/S/61104, Institutul Pentru Studierea Problemelor Minoritatilor Nationale

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The Making of World Society. Perspectives from Transnational Research
Sociologia Migratiei. Teorii si studii de caz romanesti
Milano Centrale. Status ilegal, pieţe de muncă şi practici transnaţionale la migraţi români la Milano
Come hanno fatto i rumeni ad arrivare in Italia?
Schimbare sociala sau dezvoltare? Studiu de caz intr-un oras din Romania
Changing Statuses. Freedom of Movement, Locality and Transnationality of Irregular Romanian Migrants in Milan