Articolele autorului Răzvan Valentin Florian
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Răzvan Valentin Florian

Summer undergraduate research program in vision science, Rochester University (deadline: March 15; financing available)

The University of Rochester Center for Visual Science is pleased to announce the 2002 Summer Undergraduate Research Program. Undergraduates in their sophomore or junior year of baccalaureate studies who have an interest in neurobiological, optical, psychophysical or computational aspects of vision are invited to join a member of the diverse faculty for a summer of supervised laboratory training and participation in vision seminars and journal clubs.

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International Cultural and Academic Meeting Of Engineering Students, Turkey (deadline: April 5; financial support provided)

If you are an engineering undergraduate / academic staff at university or college, If you are working on an engineering project / as an advisor, If you want to have fun and discuss your project With your fellow students and professors from all over the world! And do all these with free meal and accomodation in a foreign country Then YOU should apply to ICAMES 2002!!! What is ICAMES? ICAMES ( International Cultural and Academic Meeting Of Engineering

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Concursul de programare Google (premiu: 10 000 $)

First Annual Google Programming Contest In celebration of more than three years of delivering the best search experience on the Internet, Google is sponsoring the first annual Google Programming Contest. Grand Prize $10,000 in cash VIP visit to Google Inc. in Mountain View, California Potentially run your prize-winning code on Google's multi-billion document repository (circumstances permitting) The Challenge Google is providing a selection of about

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Inventatorii români premiaţi la ultimul Salon internaţional de inventică au primit doar strângeri de mână şi distincţii onorifice din partea Guvernului

Inventatorii romani premiati la ultimul Salon international de inventica au primit doar stringeri de mina si distinctii onorifice din partea Guvernului Socoteli de miliarde de lei Inventatorii romani premiati la ultimul Salon international de inventica nu au mai fost recompensati si in tara, ei primind doar stringeri de mina si distinctii onorifice din partea Guvernului. Daca la Salonul de inventica, desfasurat in primavara anului trecut la Geneva,

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Guvernul declară intenţia înfiinţării unor parcuri ştiinţifice şi tehnologice care să devină un instrument de valorificare a cercetării româneşti

Executivul a aprobat, la sfârşitul lunii trecute, o ordonanţă privind constituirea si functionarea parcurilor stiintifice si tehnologice. Se speră că ea va contribui la relansarea economica si restructurarea tehnologica. Scopul acestor parcuri este de a asigura o transferare directa a rezultatelor cercetării ştiinţifice, precum şi de a crea un mediu stimulativ al potenţialului tehnico-ştiinţific şi inovativ al cadrelor universitare,

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Stagii de vară pentru studenţi la Universitatea Johns Hopkins (SUA) în procesarea automată a limbajului; finanţare disponibila; deadline: 15 februarie

The Center for Language and Speech Processing at Johns Hopkins University is offering a unique summer internship opportunity, which we would like you to bring to the attention of your best students in the current junior class. Only two weeks remain for students to apply for these internships. This internship is unique in the sense that the selected students will participate in cutting edge research as full members alongside leading scientists from

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Premiul Donald B. Lindsley pentru neuroştiinţe comportamentale

The Grass Foundation has established a prize in the name of Dr. Donald B. Lindsley to recognize meritorious research in behavioral neuroscience. The prize is awarded for the most outstanding Ph.D. thesis in the general area of behavioral neuroscience submitted and approved during the previous calendar year. The award consists of an honorarium and engraved plaque, as well as the recipient’s travel expenses to attend the Annual Meeting. The winner

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Black and Caspian Sea Collaborative Research Program

Description Grants will be awarded to projects focusing on issues of practical relevance and current interest to academic, corporate and policy-making communities. The region is defined to include: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine. Groups with a minimum of three scholars, all of whom hold graduate degrees, are eligible to apply. At least one of the researchers must

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The 2nd Balkan conference on glass science & technology, 24 – 28 september 2002, Varna, Bulgaria

BACKGRAOUND The First Balkan Conference on Glass Science and Technology was held at the University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece in October 2000. More than 100 papers were presented there, concerning the most important problems of present day science and technology. The Second Balkan Conference in Varna, Bulgaria (2002) will provide the possibility of discussing the latest developments in this field. The Second Balkan Conference on Glass Science and

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Summer course: Computational Neuroscience: Vision, Cold Spring Harbor, 13-26 June 2002, limited amount of partial financial assistance

Computational modeling and simulation have produced important advances in our understanding of neural processing. This intensive 2-week summer course, held at the Banbury Center of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory , focuses on areas of visual science in which interactions among psychophysics, neurophysiology, and computation have been especially fruitful. The course combines lectures (generally two 3-hour sessions each day) with hands-on problem solving

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