Articolele autorului Rodica Negre
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Between communism and capitalism, resourcefulness in every day life

This comparison of three Romanian fieldworks is based on sharing various forms of resourcefulness” and their impact on the household as well as on people’s representations. This post-communist phenomenon is ambiguous because it creates simultaneously continuity and change. Break in apparent continuity and continuity in what appears to be a break both intersect as illustrated by the encounter of these three case studies.

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Colaborare Academia Romana/F.R.S.-FNRS (Belgia)

Appel projets : Académie Roumaine des Sciences/F.R.S-FNRS Pour les années 2010/2011, la cooopération scientifique entre Wallonie-Bruxelles et la Roumanie met en évidence la Recherche fondamentale, tous secteurs confondus. Les dossiers sont attendus pour le 20 octobre 2009. L'entente scientifique entre Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI) et la Roumanie aide les chercheurs dans la mise au point de programmes innovants Contact : Alain DANKELMAN,

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Rites de passage et réseaux migratoires roumains. Comment créer une identité de groupe dans un pôle migratoire (Bruxelles) à travers des rites juvéniles ?

Since 1989, the emergence of a certain flux of pendular migration can be observed in Belgium. The community pole generating these movements is the village Bosanci, in Bucovina (Romania); the Romanian migratory pole of Brussels is mainly made up of Bosanceni (inhabitants of the named village) who came here to work in the building field. Among them there is an important number of young people (even if migration is not a phenomenon defined exclusively

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O carte esentiala despre Aromâni tradusa recent in limba franceza

A aparut "Vagabondage dans les Balkans. Une incursion subjective au pays des Aroumains" ( editions de l'Aube, Paris, 2003, 189 pagini, 14,50 euro), traducerea in limba franceza (datorata etnologului belgian Marianne Mesnil) a unei mici, dar pasionante carti despre Aromani in care se amesteca amintiri personale, istorie si etnologie. Autorul, Irina Nicolau, etnolog recent disparuta, evoca parcursul acestui "popor cameleon" care, dupa ce a stralucit

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Materie Ideala – Proprietatea intelectuala

Traducerea in limba romana a unui studiu recent despre proprietatea intelectuala, "Materie Ideala: mondializarea si dezbaterile in jurul proprietatii intelectuale " de Julian Morris, Rosalind Mowatt, W. Duncan Reekie, Richard Tren Copiere gratuita de la

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