Articolele autorului Ion Sandu
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Role of thiourea additive in the electrodeposition process of nanocrystalline nickel and iron thin films

The paper deals with the process of sulphur incorporation in thin films of nikel and iron obtained by electrolysis in baths containing thiourea (TH) as an additive.

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Synthesis by chemical reduction method, microstructure and magnetic behaviour of ultra-fine amorphous powders in (Fe, Co, Ni)-B systems

Amorphous ultra-fine powders in (Fe,Co,Ni)-B binary and ternary systems were elaborated by metal ions reduction from an aqueous solutions by using KBH4. The powerders were magnetically characterized by determining the magnetization and the coercive field.

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Monitoring the behaviour of the conservation interventions of the Probota Monastery’s indoor frescoes under the influence of the environment factors. II.

Lucrarea prezinta modificarea caracteristicilor fizico-structurale si chimice ale componentelor din traturile de preparatie ale frescei de interior, dupa restaurarea bisericii manastirii Probota. Ambele straturi (arriccio si intonaco) au fost analizate pentru determinarea unor caracteristici: raportul var/nisip, gradul de carbonatare, compactitatea totala, porozitatea, suprafata activa, capilaritatea ascensionala, permeabilitatea la vapori de apa

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The obtaining and characterization of NaCl nanicrystalline dispersions for Saline Type Therapeutical Climate. I. Theoretical Isues

The paper presents the obtaining process and microstructural characterization of the NaCl aerosols, containing references from scientific literature about present methods and techniques for synthesis, and also the main characteristics of aerosol particles and aerosols generally. Those are determined by source and by environment factors. In this connection, there are presented functional characteristics of sources (size and aerosol density, formation

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Monitoring the behaviour of the restoration intervention of the Probota Monastery’s indoor frescoes under the influence of the enviromental factors

Lucrarea se refera la monitorizarea comportarii frecelor de interior de secol XVI de la Manastirea Probota, dupa interventiile de restaurare si dupa introducerea sistemului de incalzire din pardoseala. The paper is concerning on the behavior of the XVI-th century indoor frescoes in the new crypto-climate, set up the introduction of a new heating system into the floor, after the restoration interventions of the Probota Monastery's Church.

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Thermogravimetric study on the ageing of lime wood supports of old paintings

Lucrarea prezinta datele termogravimetrice a unor probe din lemn de tei, utilizat ca suport pentru pictura cu o vechime de 100-200 de ani. Se stabilesc in baza datelor termogravimetrice, procesele de imbatranire, schimbarile fizico-stucturale si chimice, care au aparut de-a lungul timpului sub influenta mediului si se propune o metoda de determinare a vechimii prin prelucrarea curbelor DTG. This paper presents thermogravimetric data of some samples

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